Registration scheme for courses at the Dhamma Dullabha center

In order to give everyone an equal opportunity to access Vipassana courses, the Dhamma Dullabha center uses a system of random distribution of places among all submitted applications.

Please note that the random distribution system only applies if all the following conditions are met:

  1. The course is held at the Dhamma Dullabha center
  2. You submit the application on the day registration for the course opens
  3. You are a new student, i.e., have not yet taken a Vipassana course, or you are an old student and are submitting an application to take a 10-day course as a student

The random distribution system does not apply in any of the following scenarios:

  1. The course is NOT held at the Dhamma Dullabha center
  2. This is a course intended for old students only:
    • Three days course
    • Satipatthana Sutta course
    • Gratitude course
    • Long course: 20-, 30-, 45 days
  3. You submit an application to serve on the course
  4. You submit the application on any day after the opening day of registration for the course

How does the random distribution system work?

On the day registration for the course opens, you can take your time and submit your application at any time convenient for you, since registration will remain open all day.

On the day after registration opens, places on the course will be randomly distributed among all submitted applications.

After this, depending on the distribution result, three options are possible:

  1. Your application may be included in the main list of the course. It will be processed by the course registrar, and you will be enrolled in the course. Based on the result, you will be sent a letter confirming your enrollment in the course, however, the registrar may ask you to answer additional questions during the processing process.

  2. Your application may be added to the course waiting list. It will be processed by the course registrar, and you will be placed on the course waiting list. You will be notified that you have been added to the waiting list after processing, and the registrar may ask you to answer additional questions during the processing process.

    Further, in this case, sometime in the future, if you will get to the head of the waiting list, you will be sent an invitation to join the course. If you confirm to this invitation, you will get a place on the main course list. It is impossible to say in advance exactly when the invitation will be sent, it will depend on your position on the waiting list and on how many people from the main list will cancel their applications.

    You can always check your place on the waiting list in one of the following ways:

    1. Write a response to any of the emails you received from the course registration system. It is important that your application number remains in the subject of the letter; it looks something like this: A-b1C2d3E
    2. Contact the Vipassana course registration committee at [email protected]

  3. If there is no place for your application in the course lists, it will be cancelled. In this case, you will receive notice of cancellation immediately after the place distribution process.

Each of your applications that did not receive a place in the course lists during the random distribution of places gives your next application a better chance of getting a place on the course.

However, it is important to understand which factors increase your chances and which do not. In all the following scenarios, your chance do not increase:

  1. During place distribution process, your application received a place on the waiting list, but then you did not receive an invitation and were unable to get onto the course
  2. During place distribution process, your application received a place in the course lists, and then for some reason you canceled it yourself, or it was canceled by the course registrar
  3. You had applications that did not receive a place during the distribution, but then there was an application that fits any of the previously outlined scenarios.

If you submit your application at any time after the opening day of registration, then random allocation of places does not apply and your application will be included in the main list or on the waiting list, depending on the completeness of the lists for your type of application.

Why is registration organized this way?

The Dhamma Dullabha center is the only permanent Vipassana meditation center in Russia.

The number of people wishing to take a course at the center only increases over time and at the moment already exceeds the center’s capabilities many times over. Because of this, registering for any of the courses turned into a race against time, when every second matters, and all the places got taken in a few minutes.

In this situation, factors that had nothing to do with normal course registration, such as the quality of the Internet connection and the ability to quickly click on links, became an advantage. In addition, such a strict time frame caused a lot of stress for those wishing to register for the course, especially in cases where all efforts were in vain, and ultimately it was not possible to get onto the course.

Organizers contacts

If you have questions, comments, suggestions regarding the process of course registration — we will be glad to hear your opinion. Please contact the registration committee at [email protected]